Our Uniqueness

The Congregational Methodist Church is unique in that it maintains the Wesleyan doctrine, but is representative in government.

  • Each church calls its own pastor and owns its own property. 
  • Each church has its own conference (business meetings). 
  • Each church is represented in its Annual Conference and in the General Conference by elected delegates from its membership and by its pastor. 
  • Ministers and laymen have the same opportunities in the conferences.
  • Local churches participate in the support of its denominational ministries, missions, and other cooperative endeavors, by tithes of churches’ income and gifts. 

It is said by some that our uniqueness as conservative Methodists in a day when liberalism is very common, sets us apart. We have held true to the Gospel as Wesley preached it. We have added no doctrines, nor have we taken any away. We believe, as Wesley did, that we are to preach the Christ of the Bible and to spread spiritual holiness throughout the land.


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© Ivey Memorial Methodist Church